Dearest Masters and Princesses~
Our video guide for our Call and Response is here!!! Please study diligently for your diligent maids, ok? <3
Here's the transcript!
Sae: ご飯の上乗せて, Fuwa fuwa~Saku saku~ Ebi Ebi Kyun!
Audience: Ittadakimasu!
Sae: Omeshiagare! I’m your light blue ribbon fried shrimp Maid Sae!
Latte: Your order isn’t quite ready, could you give me just a moment?
Audience: drum roll stomping “Latte!!”
Latte: Hello!! I’m your barista maid idol Latte!! Please take care of me!!
Mitsu: Let’s countdown together! I'm Mi…
Audience: TSU (3 fingers)
Mitsu: Nice to Mi…
Audience: CHUUU (2 fingers/peace sign)
Mitsu: (1 finger) 何がなんでも絶対1番天使、みつ! Hello everyone I'm ichiban tenshi Mitsu, your heavenly white ribbon maid!
Sumi: 50%~
Audience: LOVE!
Sumi: 50%~
Audience: MOE!
Sumi: 100%~
Audience: SUMI!
Sumi: Hello everyone~ I’m MoeAge’s pink ribbon maid Sumi! Thank you for being here tonight~~
Toki: Henlo everybody, it is time for hibernation yet?
Audience: NOOOO! / Yes!!!
Toki: Awww Heck. I guess we dance! I am the beary tired maid Toki! Kuma Kuma Kyun~
Riri: I’m your Gamer Queen Maid idol, Riri! Let’s show our gamer energy together!
When I say Ri, you say REEEEE, Ri!
Audience: :REEE:
Riri: Ri!
Audience: :REEE:
Mahou: A magical girl with devilish tricks, yaho, im~
Audience: Mahou!
Mahou: Hello everyone- I'm your devilish blush pink ribbon maid Mahou よろしくね ~
Now to answer some questions~
Q: How do you pronounce the "Age" in Moe↗Age! ?
A: Moh-Eh Ah-Geh! It comes from Japanese gyaru slang of アゲアゲ meaning “high tension”!
Q: How long was this cooking for?
A: We have been joking about it for a looong time, but officially started planning this at the end of January! Practices started in March and we've been meeting every single week since!! It was a huge time commitment and we hope our efforts show!
Q: Which song took the longest to learn?
Latte: Minzai!! It is very detailed and stylized, but we didn't have any access to really good reference we had to piece a lot of different performances together and squint at the details. But personally, Saijoukyuu since I had to choreograph it xD
Q: What was the inspiration?
A: We wouldn't be able to name one particular inspiration for the whole group, but in general each of us have our own idols we are constantly chasing after! We definitely in general owe a lot to at-home maid cafe and their own idol groups, @17 and Maidin! that showed us maids can be idols in the first place~
Q: Outfits?
Toki: This was my first time designing an idol outfit, I was really nervous about it! It was a struggle to get a cohesive outfit with all the different blend of colors, girl's preferences, and most importantly the maid aesthetic! I'm so thankful to Maid Niya for bringing my concept to life!

Q: Merch?
A: Unfortunately no photos yet but we will post the merch soon!! We ordered only a few of each item (like 30 each?)...since we weren't sure how well they would be received?...also our T-shirts did not arrive in time for our debut ;u; but!! All leftover merch after Idol Party will be put online for sale~we look forward to your support then!
Q: Each member's favorite type of pizza? Sumi: Pesto sauce! Extra pineapples~ Garlic cloves, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, artichoke, deliciousness~
Mitsu: Omg same as sumi except w/o the pineapples 😂😂 Plus spinach!
Sae: The best pizza I personally had was Dominos was like. bacon mayonnaise eggplant corn mushroom garlic....
Mahou: Thai Curry Pizza's from Tom Yam pizza in Long Beach :3
Riri: My favorite type of pizza is every single topping that’s not meat with vegan cheese
"Ah-Geh" means "forward" in Hindi, and I hope your group flies forward and flourishes!
Very interesting pizza choices xD I wonder what's Toki's fav?